马文·卡尔森(Marvin Carlson)



Andre Antoine's Memories of the Theatre-Libre.  University of Miami, 1964 (translated from


The Theatre of the French Revolution.  Cornell University, 1966. 

The French Stage in the Nineteenth Century.  Scarecrow, 1972.

The German Stage in the Nineteenth Century.  Scarecrow, 1972.

Editor, Moynet, French Theatrical Production in the Nineteenth Century. University of

        Miami, 1974.

Goethe and the Weimar Theatre.  Cornell University Press, 1978.

The Italian Stage From Goldoni to D'Annunzio.   McFarlane Press, 1981.

Theories of the Theatre. Cornell University, 1984. Expanded edition, 1993.

 Places of Performance.  Cornell University Press, 1989.

Theatre Semiotics: Signs of Life.  Indiana University Press, 1990.

The Play's The Thing. (Co-author, Yvonne Shafer), Longman's, 1990.

Deathtraps.  Indiana University Press, 1993.

Performance: A Critical Introduction. Routledge, 1996.  Second revised edition,  Routledge,

            2002.       Third revised edition, Routledge, 2017

Voltaire and the Theatre of the Eighteenth Century. Greenwood, 1998

The Haunted Stage: Theatre as Memory-Machine.  Michigan, 2001.

Editor ad translator, Contemporary Theatre in Egypt, MESTC, 2000

Editor and translator, The Heirs of Moliere: Four French Comedies of the 17th and 18th 

            Centuries, MESTC, 2003

Editor and translator, The Arab Oedipus. MESTC, 2005.

Theatre Research Resources in New York City, MESTC(five editions, most recent in 2005)

Speaking in Tongues: Languages at Play in the Theatre. Michigan, 2006.

Editor, Four Plays from North Africa, Segal Center, 2008

Theatre is More Beautiful than War, Iowa, 2009.

The Theatres of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, with Khalid Amine, Palgrave, 2011

Editor and translator, Three Plays from Medieval Cairo by Ibn Daniyal,with Safi Mahfouz,

                   MESTC, 2013 


Editor and translator, Shakespeare Made French, MESTC, 2013


Theatre: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, 2014

A színpadtól a színpadig. Válogatás Marvin Carlson (collection of writings translated

        into Hungarian: 5 articles and selections from five books)  Americana eBooks,

        Hungary, 2014.


Hamlet’s Shattered Mirror: Theatre and the Real , Michigan, 2016

10,000 Nights; Highlights from 50 Years of Theatre-going. Michigan, 2017

Theatre & Islam. Macmillan, 2019.

Selected Essays on Arabic Theatre. Trans. Sabaie El-Sayyed.  Cairo Festival of

Experimental Theatre, 2020.

20 Ground-Breaking Directors of Eastern Europe, co-edited with Kalina Stefanova,

Palgrave, 2021

10,000+ Nights: Theatre Before the Plague. Segal, 2024

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