上海戏剧学院马文·卡尔森戏剧中心(以下简称“中心”),成立于2017年,该中心由我校与纽约市立大学(CUNY)研究生中心戏剧系共同成立,并以在全世界享有盛誉的戏剧理论家马文·卡尔森(Marvin Carlson)教授的名字命名。马文·卡尔森是世界著名戏剧学与表演学教授,其研究领域包括戏剧学理论、世界戏剧史与表演研究等。自60年代以来,他共有三十余种学术专著和三百多篇学术论文问世。其著作多次获奖并被译为十四种语言,在全球戏剧学研究领域具有广泛的影响力。中心自成立以来,始终以培养新世纪杰出的戏剧人才为目标,在戏剧教育、学术合作、人才交流等方面发挥了重要作用。在中心的推动下,上海戏剧学院研究生部、戏剧文学系与纽约市立大学博士生院戏剧系自2019年起开展联合培养博士生项目(CGTPS)。该项目致力于培养学贯中西的高水平戏剧人才,由上海戏剧学院著名教授叶长海、纽约城市大学马文·卡尔森教授共同担任导师。该项目博士生,需在上海戏剧学院完成一至两年博士课程后,赴纽约市立大学博士生院戏剧系研修。在第三或第四年回到上海戏剧学院完成学位论文撰写。在博士培养的过程中,中心还致力于加强中外戏剧交流,努力汇集全球优秀的戏剧作品,并向全世界展示中国传统的戏曲艺术。中心开设“朗读剧场”活动,每月由中心培养的博士研究生组织开展优秀剧本的朗读活动,将全球优秀的戏剧作品展示给中国的戏剧观众,并将中国传统戏曲的精髓介绍到世界各地。作为在全世界享有盛誉的戏剧学者,马文·卡尔森代表了当前全球戏剧学研究的学术前沿。中心致力于在中国戏剧与全球戏剧文化之间充分发挥相互交流的桥梁作用,并努力将中国优秀戏曲艺术介绍给全世界的戏剧从业者和爱好者。马文·卡尔森中心的建立是推进“一带一路”文化交流,弘扬全人类共同价值的具体实践,更是在中国式现代化的强大发展引擎下,在戏剧学领域开展学术交流合作的重要窗口。The Marvin Carlson Theatre Center at the Shanghai Theatre Academy (hereinafter referred to as the Center) was established in 2017 through a collaboration between our institution and the Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) Department of Theatre. It is named in honor of the renowned theatre scholar, Professor Marvin Carlson. Prof. Marvin Carlson is a globally renowned professor of theatre studies and performance, with research interests spanning theatre theory, global theatre history, and performance studies. Since the 1960s, he has authored over thirty academic monographs and more than three hundred scholarly articles. His works have received numerous awards and have been translated into fourteen languages, exerting significant influence in the field of global theatre studies. Since its inception, the Center has been dedicated to nurturing outstanding theatre talents for the new century and has played a crucial role in theatre education, academic cooperation, and talent exchange. Under the auspices of the Center, the Shanghai Theatre Academy Graduate School, and Department of Theatre Literature, in collaboration with the Graduate Center, City University of New York, have launched the Joint Doctoral Training Program in Theatre Studies (CGTPS) since 2019. This program aims to cultivate high-caliber theatre professionals with a comprehensive understanding of both Eastern and Western traditions. The program is overseen by esteemed professors from the Shanghai Theatre Academy, including Prof. Ye Changhai, and Prof. Marvin Carlson from the City University of New York. Doctoral candidates enrolled in this program are required to complete one to two years of coursework at the Shanghai Theatre Academy before undertaking research residencies at the Graduate Center, City University of New York Department of Theatre. They return to the Shanghai Theatre Academy in their third or fourth year to complete their dissertation. Throughout the doctoral training process, the Center also endeavors to enhance cultural exchange between Chinese and foreign theatre communities, curating outstanding theatrical works from around the world while showcasing the essence of traditional Chinese opera to global audiences. The Center hosts Reading Theatre events monthly, organized by doctoral candidates trained at the Center, showcasing exceptional scripts to Chinese theatre enthusiasts, and introducing the essence of Chinese traditional opera to audiences worldwide. As a distinguished scholar in the field of theatre studies worldwide, Professor Marvin Carlson represents the academic forefront of global theatre research. The Center is committed to serving as a bridge for mutual exchange between Chinese theatre and global theatre cultures, striving to introduce the excellence of Chinese opera arts to theatre practitioners and enthusiasts worldwide. The establishment of the Marvin Carlson Center not only promotes cultural exchanges under the Belt and Road Initiative and upholds the common values of humanity but also serves as a vital platform for academic exchange and cooperation in the field of theatre studies within the context of China's robust modernization drive. 联系方式:通讯地址:上海市静安区华山路630号电话:86-21-62497202Address: STA Huashan Campus, 630 Huashan Road, Shanghai    Tel: 86-21-62497202
Prof. Marvin Carlson
Prof. YE Changhai
Prof. Peter Eckersall
彼得·埃克索教授(Prof. Peter Eckersall),纽约城市大学研究生中心戏剧和表演学系教授、执行主任。他也是墨尔本大学荣誉教授。他在大洋洲和欧洲从事当代表演实践工作,对日本表演和戏剧特别感兴趣。同时也是是位于澳大利亚墨尔本的“Not Yet It’s Difficult”(NYID)的编剧。Professor Peter Eckersall is a professor and Executive Director of the Department of Drama and Performance Studies at the Graduate Center, City ...
Prof. HU Kaiqi
胡开奇(Kaiqi Hu),戏剧翻译家,戏剧学博士,上海戏剧学院马文·卡尔森戏剧中心教授,哥伦比亚大学戏剧学院访问学者。著作有《戏剧集:一九八四/动物庄园》《美国当代严肃戏剧1990―2013》《英国当代戏剧1990―2013》《新世纪百老汇名剧评析》等。译有《萨拉·凯恩戏剧集》《迈克·弗雷恩戏剧集》《枕头人:英国当代名剧集》《怀疑:普利策奖戏剧集》《山羊:阿尔比戏剧集》《渴求:英国当代直面戏剧名作选》《迷失:美国当代戏剧名...
Asan Terziev 阿桑·特尔齐耶夫 Attila Szabo 阿提拉·萨博 Christopher Balme 克里斯托弗·巴尔莫(任教于德国) Boris Senker 鲍里斯·森克尔(任教于克罗地亚) Charlotte Canning 夏洛特·坎宁(任教于美国) SueEllen Case 苏埃伦·凯斯(任教于美国) Una Chaudhuri 乌娜·乔杜里(任教于美国) Claire Conceison 康开丽(任教于美国) David Drozd 大卫·德罗兹(任教于捷克) Tracy Davis 特蕾西·戴维斯(任教于美国) Maria Delgado 玛丽亚·德尔加多(任教于英国) Dmitry Samitov 德米特里·萨米托夫(任教于俄罗斯) Peter Eversmann 彼得·埃弗斯曼(任教于荷兰) Josette Feral 乔塞特·费拉尔(任教于加拿大) Erika Fischer-Lichte 埃丽卡·费舍尔-李希特(任教于德国) Freddie Rokem 弗雷迪·罗克姆(任教于以色列) Frode Helland 弗罗德·赫兰德(任教于挪威) Temple Hauptfleisch 坦普尔·豪普特弗莱施(任教于南非) Kazuo Ichinose 一濑和夫(任教于日本) Juliusz Tyszka 尤利乌什·提什卡(任教于波兰) Kai Tuchmann 凯·图赫曼(德国导演,任教于中国) Kaigi Hu 胡开奇(任教于美国) Dennis Kennedy 丹尼斯·肯尼迪(任教于爱尔兰) Kh. Amine 哈桑·阿明 Krystyna Kujawinska Courtney 克里斯蒂娜·库亚文斯卡·考特尼(任教于波兰) Kurdi Mária 玛丽亚·库尔迪(任教于匈牙利) Marco de Marinis 马可·德·马里尼斯(任教于意大利)
马文·卡尔森(Marvin Carlson)
BooksAndre Antoine's Memories of the Theatre-Libre.  University of Miami, 1964 (translated from       French)The Theatre of the French Revolution.  Cornell University, 1966.  The French Stage in the Nineteenth Century.  Scarecrow, 1972.The German Stage in the Nineteenth Century.  Scarecrow, 1972.Editor, Moynet, French Theatrical Production in the Nineteenth Century. University of         Miami, 1974.Goethe and the Weimar Theatre.  Cornell University Press, 1978.The Italian Stage From Goldoni to D'Annunzio.   McFarlane Press, 1981. Theories of the Theatre. Cornell University, 1984. Expanded edition, 1993. Places of Performance.  Cornell University Press, 1989.Theatre Semioti...
出版专著:《王骥德曲律研究》《中国戏剧学史稿》《画语曲律》《中国艺术虚实论》《曲学与戏剧学》《戏剧:发生与生态》等 主编:《中国京剧》《中国戏剧研究》《大辞海·戏剧电影卷》《中国曲学大辞典》等 文化随笔集:《愚园私语》《叶长海诗文选》等
彼得·艾克索(Prof. Peter Eckersall)
Monographs 2024,       Dramaturgy to Make Visible: The Legacies of New Dramaturgy for Politics and Performance in Our Times.  London and NY: Routledge.2017,      New Media Dramaturgy: Performance Media and New-Materialism (coauthored with Helena Grehan and Edward Scheer). Basingstoke & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.2013,       Theatre and Performance in the Asia-Pacific: Regional Modernities in the Global Era (coauthored with Denise Varney, Barbara Hatley and Chris Hudson), Palgrave 2013.2013       Performativity and Event in 1960s Japan: City, Body, Memory, Palgrave 2013.2006,       Theorizing the Angura Space: avant-garde performance and politics in Japan 1960-2...
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