倪胜(NiSheng or Jayate Ni)
In 2004, I received my doctorate in philosophy (DPhil) from Fudan University. My doctoral dissertation was on the System of Kant’s Critique of Judgment. For the next five years, I taught philosophy, the history of art, and aesthetics at Shanghai University of Engineering Science. In 2009, I moved to the Shanghai Theatre Academy in 2009, where I am currently.
My fields of research are German Philosophy, Aesthetics, Art Theory, Theatre Arts, Buddhism, the Philosophy of Language, and Chinese Ancient Philosophy and Arts.
I am currently teaching the History of Art,Avant-garde Art (Theatre) in Western Society, the History of Indian and ancient Chinese Theatre, and Aesthetics at Shanghai Theatre Academy.
I am also currently an active member of the Shanghai Dramatists Association.
Visiting Scholar
2012-2013, the Graduate Center, City University of New York
2019-2020, Freie Universitaet Berlin
NiSheng, An exploration to the system of Critique of Judgment, Shanghai Bookstore Publishing House, Shanghai, China. 2012
NiSheng,A Research on Early German Documentary Theatre, Shanghai: Shanghai Far East Publishers, China, 2015
NiSheng, The Art Theory in Ancient China, Shanghai:East China Normal University Press, 2019
Carroll on Theatre, by Noel Carroll, tr. by Tangrui, Zhang wenying and NiSheng, translation criticised by NiSheng, SDX Joint Publishing Company, 2023
Translating from German to Chinese: Das Rad des Glücks, Monolog von Werner Fritsch. It has been put on stage in 28-29th, 2009, new space theatre in Shanghai Theatre Academy.
《<判断力批判>体系探微》,上海书店出版社,ISBN 987-7-5458-0628-1,2012-07
《早期德语文献戏剧的阐释与研究》,上海远东出版社,ISBN 978-7-5476-1015-2,2015-9
《中国古代艺术理论》,黄意明主编,本人撰写其中《古代画论》一卷。华东师范大学出版社2019年版,ISBN 978-7-5675-9179-0
德国当代戏剧一部《命运之轮》Das Rad des Glücks, Monolog von Werner Fritsch,2009年12月28-29日上演于新空间。
《生命延續:玄奘對世親和眾賢有關生命延續的文獻的翻譯》白立冰(Ernest [Billy] Brewster)倪胜译,《华林国际佛学学刊》第三卷第一期(2020年5月)